Judging at Penrith Show
Penrith Show Date


Many thanks to our 2024 exhibitors - As we prepare for the 2025 show, details and applications will be available in due course.

Showfield Holding No. 08/392/8000
No person may bring (cattle and sheep) to a licensed event unless they are registered with the secretary.

Cheques to be made payable to:
PENRITH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY and Fees to accompany entries 

Cattle numbers will be within The Animal Licenced Area on the day.

Rules and Regulations

Penrith Agricultural Society

General Rules and Conditions for the 2023 Show

1. Membership is open to all applicants who complete the relevant forms and pay a minimum of £8.00 for a junior (under 16), £25 for a single, £45 for a double, £55 for a family (2 adults & 2 children) membership by the 1st June annually. This membership entitles the member to a badge, granting entry to the Penrith Show that year. Patrons and Life Members are “by invitation” of the General Committee.

2. Entries can be made online via the website or on printed forms, FULLY completed and returned to the appropriate secretary, with payment by the dates given in the schedule. Late entries will not be accepted. Details will be stored on a computer and published in the Show Guide. They are also available to any relevant breed society and DEFRA. Results and details will be available to the press and breed societies for publication after the Show.

3. Entry fees will only be refunded in the case of the show being cancelled, less a small handling fee.

4. All Animals to be the property of the exhibitors at time of entry except for exhibits in the horse classes.

5. Penrith Agricultural Society accepts no responsibility for any injury arising from a failure to comply with the wearing of up to standard hard hats.

6. Penrith Agricultural Society leaves the choice of Body Protector use up to competitors. Please assess your own risk carefully and note that Body Protectors will protect you in the event of a fall or accident.

7. No animal shall come before the judge more than once, except in the case of championships, specials, leaping classes and where otherwise stated.

8. All stock should be led and in the hands of competent person.

9. Bulls must be secured by a ring in the nose with a chain/bullpole attached, otherwise they cannot be admitted to the show field, in accordance with http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/ais35.pdf

10. One person attending with each lot on behalf of the exhibitor must be acquainted with the particulars required to be certified regarding the stock of which they are in charge.

11. Certificates/Movement permits/Passports should be available in all appropriate cases.

12. Breed Society rules will also apply in their respective classes.

13. All exhibitors must follow any instructions given by Society Stewards and officials without argument.

14. Vehicles must be parked in a sensible manner, with a contact number for the day displayed on the vehicle pass and moved if requested by a Society Official or Steward.

15. CATTLE PASSPORTS will be required to be presented on Show Day and ear numbers stated on entry forms.

16. HORSE PASSPORTS must be available for inspection on Show Day. In some classes e.g. Veterans, copies of the horse passport must be sent with the application form.

17. SHEEP exhibitors must state whether their entries are MV or Non MV on their forms. Segregation will be strictly enforced.

18. All committees (appropriate quorum) reserve the right to disqualify any animal exhibited in breach of the Society Rules.

19. Any protest against an entry shall be in writing accompanied by a deposit of £50, to be handed to the Secretary before the start of the Grand Parade. Any such protest will be investigated by two stewards and a Vet and the owner required to prove the correctness of the entry or forfeit the prize money. In the event of the protest being un-sustained the deposit shall be forfeited to the funds of the Society.

20. All livestock must be on the Show field by 9am and may not leave before the Grand Parade

21. Exhibitors may apply for extra tickets for family and friends at £12 instead of the normal admission rates.

22. Animals may not enter the judging ring, once judging has commenced. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to make sure they are in the ring at the correct time.

23. The judge’s decision is final. Any dispute must be brought to the Secretary’s attention, without disrupting any current/subsequent classes.

24. At all times exhibitors and their entourage must conduct themselves in a manner appropriate to a family show.

25. In the interests of the public and for safety reasons the committee reserve the right to (i) cancel the show and or (ii) to refuse vehicles onto the show field.

26. The Society will not be liable in respect of any claim for loss, injury or damage which any stock, article or person may sustain from accident or otherwise at/or in connection with the show, except in the case of proven negligence on behalf of the Society.

27. All livestock exhibitors should ensure they have adequate public liability insurance cover.

28. The Committee using their discretion may refuse or remove any competitor or member of the public from the show field.

29. All cups and trophies are to be held by the winner for one year, except if otherwise stated, and be their responsibility during the year in which they have custody thereof. They remain the property of Penrith Agricultural Society and must be returned polished and in good condition by 1st June to Pedigree Livestock Services, Holme House, Dale, Ainstable, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA4 9RH or at any one of the Trophy Collection points listed in this schedule.

30. Non-compliance with any of the above may result in expulsion from the Show and/or subsequent refusal of future applications.

31. Members of the Press and Photographers engaged by the Show Committee will be taking pictures around the show field taking shots of Exhibits and Exhibitors as well as Members of the Public. By entering the Show your photograph may be taken and used as part of promotional materials as well as on our website and social media.

By entering the Show, you here by agree to these General Rules and Conditions and also to our Privacy Statement found on the website at  http://www.penrithshow.co.uk/privacy-statement/